Treatment for Voices
If you would like to explore the possibility of undergoing the Silent Mind Technique™, you first need to call or email us to arrange a time to discuss the process. If we both agree that the treatment is right for you, we can often work over Skype. Some people will need to arrange to visit one of our clinic. (If so, plan on spending 3 nights in the vicinity of the treatment center - we can help you arrange accommodations locally.) Currently we have clinics in Denmark, Poland, and Australia and Austria.
Follow-up appointments may be necessary after the treatment, and can be done with video conferencing or over the phone.
It's important that you have a support system in place when you undergo this treatment as the elimination of voices can be a big change. We usually won't treat a client unless they are accompanied by a friend or relative and have people to support them when they arrive home.
What to Expect in a Session
We start by taking a full health history and establish the way you hear the voices or obsessive thoughts. We then use standard trauma healing techniques to eliminate either individual voices, or a longer treatment that eliminates all voices simultaneously. We also make arrangements for followup healing should you experience any feelings of loss when the voices are removed. This occasionally happens as feelings of loneliness or separation can occur when the voices are gone. If present, these feelings of loss are usually very quickly relieved.
After a session, clients sometimes also report feeling tired, 'spacey' or very peaceful. This is a consequence of healing deep trauma. It is good therefore not to plan to rush away after a session. Ideally it is best to take 30 minutes to relax and re-adjust after the treatment before leaving the call or clinic.
After the treatments
If you have been using medications for your condition, do not stop taking them! You need to work with an MD who can taper your drugs appropriately. In some cases, the drugs are concealing or ameliorating a completely different problem, and caution must be taken to be sure that this does not occur.
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Revision History
June 28, 2015: Noted that many people can be treated via Skype or phone.
Sept 29, 2009: First draft.