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Testimonials for the ADD/ ADHD Process
Rosalina, a woman in her 40's, describes her experience:

I had a very vulnerable personality, causing me to feel as if I was hunted...and I was very fearful. It felt as if there (nearly) always was a pressure coming into me, which made me nervous and often gave me a sensation of being a little paranoid and seeing some of reality through a broken mirror. When I was under pressure it could be very difficult to concentrate, and at some level I could feel as though I was drunk, making me unfocused and unclear. Sometimes when this was activated I was overwhelmed by emotions, and afraid of being insane, and I spent a lot of time grounding myself and getting in body.On a physical level, I always did a lot of bodywork. This was necessary for me in order to stay in body and not get spaced out. I'm sure that's why I got on the path, to be a body therapist.
After the process:
Immediately afterwards the sensation of being hunted totally disappeared. It was easy to stay in body and move my awareness around, without having to do a lot of bodywork to stay in body. I now feel more focused and it is easier to concentrate. I'm still a very sensitive kinesthetic person, but now I'm in charge of the emotions instead of feeling trapped and controlled by them.
Love Rosalina
"Restlessness" - Kryon, a man in his thirties sends his thanks after treatment:
"It is actually a very nice experience to found yourself really can sit still, enjoying the peace without the restlessness that always drive you to do something! After the healing on the ADHD process, my body has change from the restless states to a really relax and calm state. A lot of my behavior pattern change after the session - and it is a blessing to me! Thanks nemi and samsara for the session!"
~ Kryon Yau
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Revision History
1.0 Sept 29, 2009: First draft of this testimonial page.